Crisis Management: Navigating the Pitfalls of a Serious Incident

Accidents and other crises that occur on mine property present unique challenges for mine operators. This presentation provides practical advice from a legal perspective on managing the multitude of demands following a serious incident on mine property, including communicating with the workforce, customers and the community, handling media inquiries, conducting an internal investigation, preserving evidence, and dealing with MSHA.

Margo Lopez is the Managing Shareholder of the Washington, D.C. office of Ogletree Deakins and the co-leader of the mine safety and health practice. She represents companies nationwide in all segments of the mining industry in cases contesting enforcement actions under the Mine Act and has argued precedential mine safety cases before U.S. Courts of Appeals. She also advises companies concerning regulatory compliance and provides training on safety and health law. She handles legal representation in complex accident investigations, special investigations and safety discrimination cases. Margo Lopez is a frequent speaker and author on mine safety topics and is a co-author of the Occupational Safety and Health Law Handbook published by Bernan Press.

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Crisis Management: Navigating the Pitfalls of a Serious Incident
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