Active Shooter—Do You Really Know What to do?

The presentation is sobering and thought-provoking and challenges attendees to develop useful programs, procedures and plans to prevent incidents of workplace violence at their own place of employment. The program presents information on the gender-inequality dynamic of workplace violence, scope and impacts of workplace violence on U.S. businesses, applicability of the OSHA General Duty Clause to incidents of workplace violence, types of workplace violence as a function of the relationship between the perpetrator and victims, philosophy of workplace violence prevention initiatives, development of effective prevention programs and essential keys to program success.

Kenny Ray is a professional educator, retired homicide investigator and life-long learner. Kenny retired from the Texas Department of Public Safety after 24 years of service. At retirement, he held the rank of Lieutenant, Texas Rangers. He currently serves as the Transportation Safety Director for Martin Transport, a bulk liquid chemical trucking company headquartered in Kilgore, Texas. Kenny teaches various safety and leadership courses across the U.S. He holds both a B.S. and M.S. from Texas A&M University.

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Active Shooter—Do You Really Know What to do?
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