Safe 4 the Right Reasons – Dale Lesinski

Presentation Abstract
A basic understanding of human behavior and why we do the things we do is the foundation of how to motivate employees in avoiding accidents and to value safety. This program addresses how to get employees to adopt and value safe behavior. Dale offers a fresh approach and makes his message personal for every employee which is the key to his effectiveness. Dale’s ability to incorporate audience participation, fun, humor, real world situations that everyone can relate to and the ability to uncover each and every attendee’s personal motivation for safety has made this session a favorite.
Speaker Biography
  Wylie Davidson is the Training and Culture Specialist, as well as a Motivational speaker and Presenter for DiVal Safety Equipment, located in Buffalo, NY.

Wylie has been the Keynote or featured presenter at numerous national and regional accounts that include John Deere, Exxon, Kellogg’s, Georgia Pacific, NASA and Toyota as well as numerous national and regional conferences throughout the United States.

Throughout his 20 years of safety and management experience, he has visited and toured hundreds of manufacturing plants and job sites that include virtually every aspect of industry, construction, municipality and utility.

As a motivational speaker and safety trainer, Wylie has impacted thousands and has a unique ability to effectively deliver his message so it is relevant and personal for each attendee.


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Safe 4 the Right Reasons - Dale Lesinski
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