Implementation of the Workplace Examination Rule – Adele Abrams

Presentation Abstract MSHA’s revised workplace examination rule took effect in June 2018, and significantly changed inspection and documentation liability for mine operators, EHS managers, and supervisors. This program will address the basics of the new rule for metal/nonmetal mines, how it interfaces with other MSHA standards such as task training, barricades, and ground inspections, and the new documentation requirements. The program will also address the personal liability of examiners, contractor inspection requirements, case law developments, and best practices for conducting meaningful examinations.


Speaker Biography   Adele Abrams is a nationally recognized expert on mine and occupational safety and health issues. She is an attorney, Certified Mine Safety Professional and trainer who is president of the Law Office of Adele L. Abrams P.C. in Beltsville, MD, Charleston, WV, and Denver, CO, a multi-attorney firm focusing on representing employers in OSHA/MSHA matters and employment law nationwide.

Adele is a regular columnist for numerous magazines on legal, employment, mine and occupational safety/health issues, and is co-author of several books related to mining, construction, employment law, and occupational safety and health.  In 2017, she received the Distinguished Service to Safety Award from the National Safety Council, and she is a multiple recipient of the ASSP’s Safety Professional of the Year award at the chapter, regional and practice specialty level.

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Implementation of the Workplace Examination Rule
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